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FREE SPEECH! ?          

Performed at the conference re:claim public discourse! - Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany 2019

Fake news, hate speech, shit storms, echo chambers – the dream of equal access to the public discourse, does not seem to play out too well. Freedom of speech, traditionally a strong demand of the Left, has been seized by the Right and now become the Achilles Heel of the Left.

Is there a red line in what one can say? Should there be? Who gets to decide, to moderate this conversation? 

And don’t bother us with the facts, what matters here are morals and values.

This performance was originally conceived for the conference Concerning Matters and Truths, Postmodernism's Shift and the Left-Right-Divide in Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany

Concept and Performance: Anna Mendelssohn

Many thanks to Yosi Wanunu

Texts by: Bell Hooks, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, R.D. Laing, Timothy Garton Ash, Shirin Ebadi, Jonathan Pie, Bill Maher, Milo Iannoupolus, David Kaye, David Bohm and Anna Mendelssohn

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